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Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Lava for Dentist


Zirconium Oxide – the Framework Material of the Future

Unlike traditional all-ceramic restorations, Lava™ restorations are made of zirconium oxide. This strong material does not require a distinct shoulder to support the framework or to enhance the esthetics. In addition, the margins can be thinly tapered. This means the preparation for Lava restorations protects the tooth structure.



Lava crowns and bridges for all anterior and posterior tooth.


Ideal Preparation: Shoulder or Chamfer to Allow Precise Margin Detection
Ideally, the preparation includes a circumferential shoulder or chamfer with a horizontal angle of at least 5°. The vertical preparation angle should be at least 4°.  

The inside angle of the shoulder preparation must be given a rounded contour. All occlusal and incisal edges should also be rounded.

The marginal edge of the preparation needs to be continuous and clearly visible. A bevel should be avoided. Due to the tooth-colored framework, supragingivial margins in the anterior or posterior regions are acceptable to achieve esthetic results.

Proven treatment procedures remain with Lava crowns & bridges

With Lava crowns and bridges offer your patients high quality dental restorations. Besides a natural esthetics and high strength have Lava crowns and bridges, especially an excellent fit. When creating Lava crowns and bridges only need a few basics are followed to achieve this quality.


Examples of preparation for crowns and bridges

From the automatic Margin detection, the following preparation results.


Special Preparations:

Tangential preparation: Steep tangential preparations may result in extremely thin tapered margins. In principle, this type of preparation is possible, but caution is advised.


Sharp incisal-occlusal edges must be avoided. The rounding radius should be > 0.4 mm.

Unacceptable Preparations:

Gutter Preparation: Margin cannot be detected unambiguously.

90° Shoulder: Margin cannot be detected unambiguously.



Undercuts must be avoided.

Parallel walls: In principle, parallel wall preparations are feasible. However, a cement gap cannot be milled in this case. This may significantly affect the fit.


Divergent stumps in the bridge cannot be milled. Due to the restricted path of insertion inclination of the two stumps can not be realized.


Cement Gap

The size of the cement gap can be adjusted using standard values or individually. For certain parts of the framework, for example the upper half of a coping, the cement gap may be increased. The cement gap is adjusted by the CAD specialist at the milling center in accordance with the dentist’s needs, based on each individual clinical situation.



- L a v a 

- L a v a  for laboratory



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