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Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

The Hybrid prosthesis

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The loss of natural teeth means wearing a full denture with all the attendant consequences. Often poor denture retention and reduced chewing efficiency, taste impairment, sometimes choking or faulty pronunciation.


















The pressure load on the jaw prosthesis also causes an accelerated involution of the bone and thus a further deterioration of denture fit. Poorly fitting dentures based facial soft parts, which are mainly the lips, from bad, what  let the patient look older and the skin promotes wrinkles.


Absolutely solid bite and secure, with  implants and mounted on the support members receive the prosthesis stable support. Implant-supported prostheses are bone-preserving, even in chewing, it is no longer the dreaded bone loss. The good support of the lip  ensures a harmonious facial profile and firm skin. Implant-supported prostheses have the highest possible natural wear comfort.

