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Wednesday, 01 May 2024



For many years, dental implants offer in many cases, the possibility of replacing teeth fully satisfying and long term.


Dental implants replace one or more lost teeth , dentures attach securely in the mouth are scientifically researched and tested and successfully for decades in dental applications.

Implant superstructures require from us as a dental laboratory a high degree of precision.

The specificity of implant dentistry is that the natural periodontal membrane has a certain self- mobility of the tooth by up to 1 mm , while having rigidly connected with the jaw bone implant no net movement.

It follows that the ride on the implants superstructures must be absolutely stress , you do not want the success of supply preempt . Highest precision is so essential to the success of implant dentistry .
This precision in our house runs through the entire course of the production and begins with the preliminary work measures.
This also applies to the qualifications of these activities be performed dental technician. 

The dentist use a key for facilitate insertion fitting, therefore he can not confuse.very similar parts in the mouth.

Implant systems providers Given the large number of them, have to be able to rely on a lab partner who knows. We are experienced for years in all current systems and support them in the area implant technique in exactly the range that they want.